Skullcap Tincture
Skullcap calms the nervous system without narcotic properties, quiets the person, and often brings about, natural sleep. Dr. Shook said, “Skullcap is a slow working, but sure remedy for practically all nervous affections, but it must be taken regularly over a long period of time to be a permanent benefit.” Skullcap’s sphere of influence is on the central and sympathetic nervous systems. Many herbalists will tell you that Skullcap is the best nervine. It acts through the cerebral spinal centers and sympathetic nervous system to control most nervous irritations. Skullcap has been used for nervousness and neuralgia and is known to have been used as an excellent nerve tonic. It gives the feeling of well being and inner calm allowing relaxed sleep. It is an effective Herb to ease the problems associated with drug and alcohol withdrawal and drug use. It has detoxification properties that tends to lessen the severity of such withdrawal symptoms as delirium tremors. Skullcap is well noted for its abilities in spasmodic afflictions as with St. Vitus Dance (involuntary jerking motion), epilepsy, etc., acting to quiet the nerves. Scullcap can be used in neurasthenia, a disease following depression in which the individual suffers from chronic exhaustion.
•Skullcap acts on the nervous system, calming nervous excitement.
•Skullcap relieves spasms and increases the flow of urine.
•Skullcap helps rebuild nerve endings in the brain.
•Skullcap has been used traditionally to help with infertility.
•Skullcap is used for upper respiratory infections, helps with extreme fatigue caused by blood poisons, soothes inflamed tissue and absorbs toxins from the bowel.
•Skullcap has been known to help with digestion problems.
•It is also beneficial to use for headaches arising from excessive coughing